Under the Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) Agreement, Ontario has committed to consult with parents, child care providers, experts, Indigenous peoples, official language minority communities and other interested parties as an important step in finalizing our fiscal year 2024-2025 CWELCC Action Plan. Ontario’s Action Plan outlines key principles and priorities, as well as actions to be taken as we implement the CWELCC system.

As part of this commitment, the ministry is seeking feedback from Ontario families with children under the age of 6 enrolled in child care programs (including both those that are and are not enrolled in CWELCC), as well as those who are awaiting access to child care services.

Families are invited to participate in a survey by visiting the Ontario Ministry of Education website. The survey link is currently active, and will remain open until June 24, 2024.

Input from Ontario families will help Ontario understand how specific initiatives under the CWELCC agreement have impacted their family, how they make decisions about child care, and what they look for in a quality early learning and child care environment.