Markdale Phones – Update Feb. 3/25

Our phones are now operational.  We apologize for the past few weeks of inconvenience. Our phone number remains the same, however the menu options have changed. 


Kids & Us Community Childcare and Family Education Centres is a community based, not for profit, charitable organization dedicated to meeting the need for quality accessible and inclusive child services in Grey and Bruce Counties.

We are dedicated to providing quality programs that support families and communities to be the best they can be!

Currently Kids & Us operates 6 licensed childcare programs as well as 12 licensed Before and After School Programs in addition to 4 EarlyON (formerly Ontario Early Years Centres) sites with multiple outreach sites.

Our organization is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors who provide feedback, leadership and guidance to our agency.

Kids & Us is proud to participate in the Canada Wide Early Learning and Child Care Program (Est. 2022).  Participation allows continuity of quailty programs at reduced rates for eligible children.  Participation will be reviewed annually to ensure viability of Kids & Us.

We are dedicated to providing quality programs that support our families and our communities to be the best they can be!

Looking For A Way To Contribute?

As a community program we are always willing to accept donations. You can donate to our programs and help us enrich the lives of the youngest members of our communities. To learn more about how your donation helps, and how to donate, follow the link below and contribute to our continued success!